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ITAR Policy

International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) Compliance Notice IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS 

Regulatory Compliance: US Precision Guidance Systems LLC operates in full compliance with  the United States International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). ITAR is a set of United States  government regulations that control the export and import of defense-related articles and services  on the United States Munitions List (USML). 

Restrictions on Sales and Exports: Please be advised that all sales and exports of our products, in cluding but not limited to Precision-Guided Munitions (PGMs) like the SBS-1, are subject to ITAR.  These regulations apply to both the physical products and any related technical data. 

Customer Responsibility: 

  • Due Diligence: It is the responsibility of each customer to ensure they are compliant with ITAR and any other applicable export control laws and regulations. 
  • End-Use and End-User Restrictions: Customers must adhere to strict limitations regarding  the end-use and end-users of our products. Unauthorized use, resale, or re-export of our products is  prohibited. 
  • Verification: We reserve the right to verify the intended end-use and end-users to ensure com pliance with ITAR regulations. 

Sale Approval Process: 

  • All sales are subject to government approval, and we may require additional documentation to  process your order. 
  • Sales may be denied if they do not meet ITAR compliance or if there are concerns about end use or end-users. 

International Customers: Customers outside the United States must adhere to ITAR as well as  their local laws and regulations regarding the import and use of defense-related articles. 

Violations and Penalties: Non-compliance with ITAR can result in severe penalties, including  fines and imprisonment. It is crucial to understand and respect these regulations. 

Contact Information: For any questions or concerns regarding ITAR compliance and how it af fects the purchase of our products, please contact our compliance department at [email protected]

Acknowledgment: By purchasing from US Precision Guidance Systems LLC, you acknowledge  that you understand and will comply with all ITAR regulations and any other applicable export con trol laws. 

This notice serves as a reminder of the legal responsibilities associated with the purchase and  use of defense-related items. US Precision Guidance Systems LLC is committed to adherence  to all federal regulations and to the responsible distribution of our products.

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